Hours – Actual hours may vary. Book online to see times and dates that are available.
Monday to Thursday: 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Friday to Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Accessibility Information
Entrance to the building includes a short flight of stairs and the studio itself is up 2 flights of stairs. Washrooms are on the main floor. Clients who are unable to access our studio are welcome to inquire about our mobile, in-home services. These sessions are offered in the evenings by appointment, and will take place in your home. A surcharge will apply for in-home treatments to allow for the time involved in setup and removal of our equipment in your home as well as the therapist’s travel.
310 Danforth Avenue, second floor. Toronto, Ontario M4K 2X4
There is up to 3 hours of street parking along the Danforth and a Green P lot just west of the building on Playter Blvd. The Carrot Common is next door to Eastminster United Church, and the parking lot in the Common is available.
There’s also free parking for one hour on many of the side streets between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. In particular, you can find free 3 hours parking on Jackman St and Browning St. north of the Danforth and Wolfrey Avenue and Dearbourne Avenue to the south.
TTC Chester Station is the closest subway stop.
Arriving at your appointment
The studio is inside the Eastminster United Church. The entrance is on Danforth Avenue to the WEST of the main entrance of the church. Look for the blue poster on the door.
These doors are usually kept locked to reduce foot traffic. Please text that you’ve arrived and we will come down and greet you.
Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment so we can review your chart and discuss a treatment plan. If you arrive earlier than 5 minutes, we may be with another client and unable to let you in. The Carrot Common and bookstore are great places to browse if you are earlier than expected.
There are washrooms in the church, but they aren’t close to the studio in the building. To save time during your appointment you can relieve yourself at home, or you can access the church washrooms directly through the entrance on Jackman Ave. (to the right of the entrance there) before the start of your appointment.